Auf dieser Website finden Sie alle Raucherbereiche an Flughäfen, einschließlich ausgewiesener Raucherbereiche und verfügbarer Einrichtungen. Wir verstehen die Frustration, wenn man durch die Sicherheitskontrolle geht und dann feststellt, dass es nirgendwo Raucherbereiche gibt und in manchen Fällen E-Zigaretten möglicherweise nicht erlaubt sind.
Dieser Service richtet sich an alle Raucher, die vor oder nach langen Flügen eine Zigarette genießen möchten.
Airports in Vatican
Vatican Smoking Law
Vatican City, as an independent city-state, has implemented smoking regulations to promote public health. However, please note that smoking laws can change over time, so it’s advisable to refer to the most recent legislation or consult local authorities for the most up-to-date information on Vatican City’s smoking regulations.
In Vatican City, smoking is generally prohibited in enclosed public places, including indoor areas of restaurants, bars, cafes, and other public establishments. These areas are designated as smoke-free, and smoking is not allowed inside.
The sale of tobacco products to minors under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited in Vatican City.
Since Vatican City is a small city-state with its own regulations, it is important to respect the designated smoking areas, if any, or adhere to any specific restrictions on smoking in public areas.
For the most accurate and up-to-date information on smoking regulations in Vatican City, it is recommended to consult local authorities or refer to the relevant legislation in the city-state.
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