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Maison » Smoking areas at Northern Ireland airports

Smoking areas at Northern Ireland airports

Northern Ireland has a few airports that serve domestic and international flights.

Sur ce site Web, vous pouvez trouver toutes les zones fumeurs dans les aéroports, y compris les zones fumeurs désignées et les installations disponibles. Nous comprenons la frustration de passer par la sécurité pour constater qu'il n'y a pas de zones fumeurs nulle part et dans certains cas, les cigarettes électroniques peuvent ne pas être autorisées.

Ce service s'adresse à tous les fumeurs qui souhaitent profiter d'une cigarette avant ou après de longs vols.

Airports in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Smoking Law

Smoking is banned in all enclosed public spaces, including workplaces, restaurants, bars, pubs, clubs, shopping centers, public transport stations, and other similar indoor areas accessible to the public. This includes airport terminal buildings and other airport facilities.

The law does not require the provision of designated smoking areas in enclosed public spaces. Therefore, smoking is generally not permitted inside buildings, including airports, except in specifically designated outdoor smoking areas, if available.

Smoking is also prohibited in certain outdoor areas, such as playgrounds, school grounds, hospital grounds, and sports stadiums. However, the law does not specifically address smoking restrictions in outdoor areas directly related to airports, such as outdoor parking lots or drop-off zones. It is advisable to follow any signage or instructions provided by the airport management regarding smoking restrictions in outdoor areas.

It is recommended to seek information from airport authorities or signage within the airport premises for specific guidelines and smoking areas, if available.

Plus de zones fumeurs à l'aéroport