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Casa » Smoking areas at Marshall Islands airports

Smoking areas at Marshall Islands airports

Su questo sito Web puoi trovare tutte le aree fumatori negli aeroporti, comprese le aree fumatori designate e le strutture disponibili. Comprendiamo la frustrazione di passare attraverso la sicurezza solo per scoprire che non ci sono aree fumatori da nessuna parte e in alcuni casi le sigarette elettroniche potrebbero non essere consentite.

Questo servizio è rivolto a tutti i fumatori che vogliono godersi una sigaretta prima o dopo un lungo volo.

Airports in Marshall Islands

Marshall Islands Smoking Law

The Marshall Islands has made efforts to control the use of tobacco, in line with global efforts to reduce the harm caused by tobacco. These efforts are likely to include restrictions on smoking in certain public places, on the advertising of tobacco products, and on the sale of tobacco to minors.

However, for the most current and detailed information, I recommend contacting the Ministry of Health in the Marshall Islands or referring to the latest report from the World Health Organization (WHO) on tobacco control in the Marshall Islands.

Please keep in mind that laws may have changed after my last training cut-off in September 2021, and it’s always good practice to familiarize oneself with the local laws of a country when planning to visit.

Altre aree fumatori in aeroporto