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Casa » Smoking areas in Belarusian airports

Smoking areas in Belarusian airports

Belarus has several airports, both international and domestic, that serve the needs of the country’s air transportation system.

Su questo sito Web puoi trovare tutte le aree fumatori negli aeroporti, comprese le aree fumatori designate e le strutture disponibili. Comprendiamo la frustrazione di passare attraverso la sicurezza solo per scoprire che non ci sono aree fumatori da nessuna parte e in alcuni casi le sigarette elettroniche potrebbero non essere consentite.

Questo servizio è rivolto a tutti i fumatori che vogliono godersi una sigaretta prima o dopo un lungo volo.

Airports in Belarus

Belarusian’s Smoking law

Belarus has implemented several laws to regulate smoking in public places and protect non-smokers from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke.

Smoking is prohibited in a wide range of public places, including healthcare, education, and cultural institutions, public transport, sports and entertainment venues, and workplaces. In addition, smoking is not allowed in restaurants, cafes, and bars with a seating capacity of fewer than 50 people. Larger establishments may have designated smoking areas that meet specific ventilation and separation requirements.

Laws in Belarus are relatively strict and aim to protect non-smokers from the harmful effects of tobacco smoke. However, there are still some challenges in enforcing these laws, and smoking remains a significant public health issue in Belarus.

Altre aree fumatori in aeroporto