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Casa » Smoking areas in Botswana’s airports

Smoking areas in Botswana’s airports

Su questo sito Web puoi trovare tutte le aree fumatori negli aeroporti, comprese le aree fumatori designate e le strutture disponibili. Comprendiamo la frustrazione di passare attraverso la sicurezza solo per scoprire che non ci sono aree fumatori da nessuna parte e in alcuni casi le sigarette elettroniche potrebbero non essere consentite.

Questo servizio è rivolto a tutti i fumatori che vogliono godersi una sigaretta prima o dopo un lungo volo.

Botswana has several airports, ranging from small regional airports to larger international hubs.

Airports in Botswana

Botswana’s Smoking law

Botswana has implemented strict smoking laws to protect public health and reduce the prevalence of smoking. The smoking law in Botswana prohibits smoking in certain public places and restricts the sale and advertising of tobacco products.

According to the laws in Botswana, smoking is not allowed in indoor public places, including restaurants, bars, shopping centers, and public transportation. It is also prohibited in outdoor areas where people gather, such as stadiums, playgrounds, and within a certain distance of entrances and exits of public buildings.

The sale of tobacco products is regulated, and the law prohibits the sale of tobacco products to minors under the age of 18. Additionally, tobacco advertising and promotion are restricted in Botswana.

The enforcement of the smoking law is overseen by the relevant authorities, and violations can result in fines or other penalties. It is important to note that smoking laws and regulations can evolve over time, so it’s recommended to refer to the most recent legislation or consult local authorities for the most up-to-date information on Botswana’s smoking laws.

Altre aree fumatori in aeroporto