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Home » Smoking areas at Palau airports

Smoking areas at Palau airports

On this website you can find all smoking areas in airports, including designated smoking areas and available facilities. We understand the frustration of going through security only to find that there are no smoking areas anywhere and in some cases e-cigarettes may not be allowed.

This service is for all smokers who want to enjoy a cigarette before or after long flights.

Airports in Palau

Palau Smoking Law

The Republic of Palau has some of the most stringent tobacco laws in the world, including high taxes on tobacco products, comprehensive smoke-free laws, and regulations on tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship.

Palau also banned the use of tobacco by people under the age of 21 and has enforced a ban on tobacco advertising. Some other measures include mandatory health warnings on tobacco packaging and cessation programs to help smokers quit.

In 2017, Palau pledged to become the first country to “ban” tobacco and aimed for a smoke-free nation by 2020. This would mean the complete prohibition of the importation, sale, and use of tobacco products.

However, for the most current and accurate information on tobacco control laws in Palau, you should refer to the latest reports from the World Health Organization or Palau’s Ministry of Health.

Remember, laws and regulations can change and vary greatly from country to country. Always make sure you familiarize yourself with the local laws and customs when planning a visit to another country.

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