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Hogar » Smoking areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina airports

Smoking areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina airports

Bosnia and Herzegovina has three main international airports that are open for passenger traffic,

En este sitio web puede encontrar todas las áreas para fumadores en los aeropuertos, incluidas las áreas designadas para fumadores y las instalaciones disponibles. Entendemos la frustración de pasar por seguridad solo para descubrir que no hay áreas para fumadores en ninguna parte y, en algunos casos, es posible que no se permitan los cigarrillos electrónicos.

Este servicio es para todos los fumadores que quieran disfrutar de un cigarrillo antes o después de vuelos largos.

Airports in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina Smoking Law

The smoking law in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is regulated by the Law on Protection from the Harmful Effects of Tobacco Smoke, which was adopted in 2008. The law aims to protect the public from exposure to tobacco smoke and promote a healthy environment for all citizens.

The law prohibits smoking in all enclosed public places, including restaurants, bars, cafes, and other hospitality venues. It also prohibits smoking in public transportation, schools, hospitals, and other public buildings. Smoking is also prohibited in outdoor areas such as playgrounds, sports fields, and public transportation stops.

Violators of the smoking law in BiH can face fines and other penalties, and business owners can face fines and temporary closure of their establishments if they do not comply with the law.

Enforcement of the smoking law in BiH can vary, and there have been reports of some establishments allowing smoking despite the law. However, overall the smoking law has been effective in reducing exposure to secondhand smoke and promoting a healthier environment for all citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Más Aeropuerto Zonas de fumadores