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Smoking areas in Russian airports

Russia is home to numerous airports, serving domestic and international travelers across the vast country.

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Russian airports

Russian Smoking Law

In accordance with Russian smoking laws, smoking is generally prohibited in indoor public spaces, including airports, train stations, restaurants, cafes, bars, offices, and other enclosed areas. The aim is to protect non-smokers from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke and promote a healthier environment.

Russian airports typically provide designated outdoor smoking areas for individuals who wish to smoke. These areas are usually located outside the terminal buildings and are equipped with ashtrays and designated smoking zones. Smoking outside of these designated areas is generally not permitted.

Airports in Russia display prominent “No Smoking” signs and markings in indoor areas where smoking is prohibited. These signs are usually accompanied by international symbols or text indicating the smoking ban. It is important to respect and adhere to these signs to comply with the smoking regulations.

It’s important to note that smoking regulations and designated smoking areas may vary slightly between different airports in Russia. Therefore, it is advisable to check with the specific airport authorities or refer to signage and information at the airport you are traveling through for the most accurate and up-to-date smoking regulations and guidelines.

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