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Smoking areas in Ukraine’s airports

Ukraine has several airports, ranging from small regional airports to larger international hubs.

Op deze website vind je alle rookruimtes op luchthavens, inclusief aangewezen rookruimtes en beschikbare faciliteiten. We begrijpen de frustratie om alleen door de beveiliging te gaan om te ontdekken dat er nergens rookruimtes zijn en dat in sommige gevallen e-sigaretten niet zijn toegestaan.

Deze service is voor alle rokers die voor of na een lange vlucht willen genieten van een sigaret.

Airports in Ukraine

Ukraine Smoking Law

Ukraine has implemented smoking laws and regulations to protect public health and reduce tobacco use. However, please note that smoking laws can change over time, so it’s advisable to refer to the most recent legislation or consult local authorities for the most up-to-date information on Ukraine’s smoking laws.

In Ukraine, smoking is generally prohibited in enclosed public places, including indoor areas of restaurants, bars, shopping centers, and government buildings. These areas are designated as smoke-free, and smoking is not allowed inside.

Ukraine has also implemented restrictions on smoking in outdoor public areas, such as near entrances of buildings, bus stops, and public parks. Additionally, smoking may be prohibited within specified distances of certain areas, such as schools and health facilities.

Meer rookruimtes op de luchthaven